Monday, March 26, 2007

Fun in the Sun

We got Hunter a sand box yesterday and it is so cute!!!

The one we got is the same as the pic but the colors are different Hunter's is Purple and the lid is yellow. Now I have to finish getting the yard set up once all this snow melts and then we can get some sand and fill it!! Oh and then I am going to have to go shopping for little dump trucks and buckets and all that stuff.

I never knew how much fun having a kid would be I mean really you get to go shopping for toys all the time and you get to play all day. THIS IS THE LIFE!!.(but dont forget that it is a also a ton of work at well.)

ALSO my friend and I are going to each put in $10 and get this pool for the kido's for the summer it looks like they will have a blast in it!!
this is the link for it in case anyone else things there kido's will love it.

We are going to have so much fun this summer!!!
I cant wait!!!!

1 comment:

Just the Sous Chef said...

The sandbox looks like a lot of fun. I LOVE that pool you are getting ... how fun! Can't wait to see Hunter playing in that. FUN in the sun for sure. :) Keep on bloggin' ... lookin' good!